
Each company has to complete the “Membership Request Form” or the “Join Us” form.
After a careful evaluation, the membership request will be accepted or denied by email, from the Network Management. The Management is not obliged to give reasons for its final decision.
The payment of all membership fees must be submitted within 30 days of the invoice date. Membership fees are not refundable under any circumstance, even in cases of early termination or withdrawal.
Members are responsible for their own bank charges, separate from the Annual Membership Fee, which cover a 12-month membership period.
Membership approval is only possible after receiving the total Annual Membership Fee.
The payment of the fee confirms that each Member has accepted the General Conditions, the Protection Plan activation terms and the Code of Ethics enclosed, specifically for what concerns the bad debts and implicitly the communication of this status to all ALNA Members and to Forwarder Debt Recovery System.
The ALNA Management decisions are final and not questionable.
The Member:
- May only represent countries where they own and/or operate offices;
- Cannot promote offices in countries where they do not have an official ALNA registration;
- Must respect the privacy and confidentiality of all members’ interactions;
- Will always pay close attention to all layouts required by clients and agents (members of the Network) regarding the shipment entrusted to them;
- Avoid any interactions or communications that discredits or insults any other member or the Network itself;
- Assist in the Network’s development;
- Maintain all confidential and sensitive information regarding the Network and its members especially the “Member List”;
- Help encourage and offer new business opportunities to the other ALNA members;
- To reply within 24h to the quotation/information requests from the fellow members;
- Inform the Management immediately in case of lack of replies from fellow members;
- Accept and understand that any and all transactions between members are made subject to their own risk and the ALNA is not in anyway held accountable or responsible;
- Check with the Management team the history of a member before starting a collaboration, its membership status and further contacts;
- Consider as mandatory informing the ALN Management within 60 days from the expected payment date, therefore within a maximum of 120 days from invoice date;
- Keep updated any news regarding special shipments, company changes and any relevant information through the ALNA portal;
- Contact the ALNA Management immediately regarding any company changes (contact details, change of company name/location, new branch etc.);
- When submitting company news, photos, logos or press releases to the ALNA management, members give the ALNA the permission to use the material in group promotions, on their website and in newsletters.
Annual membership renewal is not an automatic process;
The ALNA Management reserves the right not to renew a membership if the member is not respecting the ALNA Rules and Code of Ethics.
The ALNA annual meetings are probably one of the most important membership benefits. These meetings give our members the possibility to get to know the Network management staff and the current members. This helps to build solid relationships within the network.
During the meetings, every member is expected to be respectful of the ALNA staff and all members by attending the meetings and being available for business discussions, lectures and events;
The ALNA staff will do its best, to choose the location, organize costs and assist with travel VISA issues, to make it possible for all members to attend;
Any member that does not attend the annual meetings for two consecutive years is subject to membership cancelation. Of course, all circumstances will be individually evaluated and are at the discretion of the ALNA Network Management.
An ALNA membership is subject to cancellation if a Member:
- Sends a notice of resignation to the ALNA Management;
- Is not complying with the rules and regulations of the ALNA;
- Is not providing satisfactory standards of service;
- Does not comply with the internal ALNA Code of Ethics;
- Does not pay the annual fees according to the establishes terms;
- Does not promptly reply to the ALNA Management regarding all accounting and/or operational matters.
- Any principal of a Company Member assuming a leadership position or ownership in a network that competes directly with ALNA. Each member is free to leave the ALNA at any time. All fees paid are not refundable. All other ALNA members will be notified of this withdrawal and it is forbidden for the former member to further use any of the ALNA information in any form.
- The services offered by ALNA, the membership rules of ALNA, the use of the website and any other services offered by ALNA, are governed by Italian Law;
- By being a member, you are accepting the exclusive jurisdiction of the Italian Law and the territorial jurisdiction of the Court of Bergamo, with express waiver of any other forum and Governing Law. You irrevocably agree that the Italian Law and Court of Bergamo shall have exclusive jurisdiction to settle any dispute which may arise out of, under, or in connection with the Membership Rules, your use of the website / and for any service offered by ALNA.
Airfreight Logistics Network for Africa Management